Wow!! I did it I ran 100 miles or more for my 100th time. They say I'm the first female to accomplish this, and only 3rd person. This 100 total includes my many solo 100, 131, 165, 144 mile solo runs as well.

I'm still in a dream like state no really truly able to take it all in.
I really want to thank the RD's Alan, Tracy and Rajeev for making it possible.
I want to thank all my friends and fans who supported me. Most of all a huge thanks to my boyfriend Oscar Ochoa for being there and supporting me the entire 26:44 that it took me to finish. He paced me 20 miles off the couch but he's fit. I came in 2nd female and 7th overall.

I am on a huge high that's for sure!! My life is great and can only get better. I will write a full report soon. Next up Quad. Dipsea 28 miler Saturday ;-)

"Live Life Love Life"